Friday, May 17, 2013

+++ Money Is Not the Cure: Controversies in Healthcare reviews

Money Is Not the Cure: Controversies in Healthcare

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"Money Is Not the Cure: Controversies in Healthcare" Feature

Is there any real benefit to cancer screening? Does government regulation of environmental pollutants really save lives? Are we wasting money in pursuit of an impossible standard of health and longevity?
Recent years have seen drastic increases in the cost of health care. Driving this increase is a common misconception: people at all levels of society--from the lay public to medical experts--firmly believe that spending more on medical care and research will result in corresponding improvements in life expectancy and quality of living. Proposals to manage rising costs and to increase benefits include universal health insurance, improved information infrastructure, and more, but not one addresses the yield of these vast expenditures.
Dr. Seymour Handler makes the radical claim that the modest improvements in modern medical care do not justify the inflated cost of new technologies and therapies. More medical care is not necessarily better medical care, and yet the cycle of expensive testing, unnecessary prescriptions, and life-sustaining but not life-improving treatments drives the price of care ever higher. In Money is Not the Cure, Dr. Handler lays bare the complex relationship between medical science and its goal, the increased quality of life, and asks difficult questions about the supposed benefits of new technology. In doing so, he seeks to create an informed public, a population of patients willing to question their caregivers and armed with the knowledge to protect themselves.

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